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10 day dry fast reddit


10 day dry fast reddit. I dry fast every day for 17hours and once a week I do a 24-42hour dry fast. Do not attempt a dry fast longer than 3 days until you have previous experience dry fasting, as it could be very dangerous. I only recently learned about dry fasting, and thought it might be easier to integrate into my lifestyle. In general, there’s some evidence that fasting has benefits like weight loss and slower aging. And with the now dozens of 48-72 hour dry and water fasts I have done, I have noticed only improvements in my strength slowly over the last few years, provided I am eating really well in between my fasts. I was hoping for twice as much weigh loss. Everyone knows the power of dry fasting as it's existed from the beginning. Only you can find out your own safe limit. You body can handle more but it's ineffective. There is a compounding effect, even if you only do a 24-36hr dry fast once a week. 8% of total body weight ) , although once breaking the fast I did go up 10-15lbs rabidly, due to my hydration and feasting over the next few days, the first 20-30% of weight loss was in my first day, could be the same for you depending on how full of After improving my health further and further the last couple of month, I just waited for the right time (the right weather and free time) to do a 7 day dry fast. Not in my experience, most of it is water. Since Day 12 (1/8/21) through to today (1/13/21) I've been very self-indulgent. But dry 4 days dry fasting 1 day wet fast About to break the overall fast with some watermelon since I'll need the energy to socialize tomorrow. are not likely to act irrationally, or be driven by fears and anxieties. You’ll feel complete relief of arthritis after 4 days dry fast, but it may require 15 days dry fast in intense case. It will take much longer but the results will be NIGHT and DAY after a year. Please look up the Scorch Protocol to see an example of daily foods and supplements recommended in between dry fasts during the refeed. . We all meet here in the end. Weight loss, spirituality, and experimentation, doesn't matter. I hit a BMI of 29. And I have learned a lot of things. New to dry fasting. I'm not overweight (anymore), actually slim now- I fast for the health benefits. Unlike traditional fasting, which restricts food and caloric intake, dry fasting requires the body to rely on its internal water reserves and metabolic reactions for energy. Part one of a Ray Maor documentary where he did an eight-day soft dry fast under 24/7 surveillance. If I don't my receptive mind will not be as present and I'm going to have too much to remember: The last several days were exponentially transformational. I need to tell some of it now. 4 lbs). So now that my period has ended, I’m trying again and I’m also on day 2 of a 7 day fast! Seems like we’re in the same boat so good luck to us both!! ๐Ÿ’ช Wow, you and I are in a very similar state and starting a very similar fasting adventure at the same time. Hi, Reddit, I'm currently on day 5 of a dry fast, hoping to reach day 7 but planning on taking it day-by-day after this point. Unsure yet. Also, OP is asking the same question in this sub for the 3rd time now. You can make as many posts as you like for accountability for any reason and your progress. Dry fasting is a type of fasting where individuals abstain from both food and water for a certain period. It’s just the natural inclination of the human being. I’ll go first. Beginning my second 10 day soft dry fast! Started at 10pm on 13/6 Weight - 60kgs / 132lbs Will keep updates in the comments. I had a really bad headache on day two and day three was terrible flu like symptoms. Usually people that eat junk on a regular basis,(I don't get that impression from you right off the rip) will undoubtedly receive cravings throughout the first 3 - 5 days, and could even extend to the seventh day. 5 day fast in the beginning of June. you'll rebound and gain weight way past your original set point if you don't radically upgrade your diet with great discipline after breaking your A seven day dry fast is an amazing feat! Most ordinary people believe you’d be dead by now. Filonov used to recommend 9-11 days, he now recommends 7-9 days. g. 45-0. I (F26) started the week at 226lbs and I am currently weighing in at 217lbs. Did a refeed with liquid and electrolytes only (water, black coffee, bone broth, salts) for the first two days. This could also help people who are also thinking about doing a dry fast for this long as well. I also attempted a fast at the beginning of the month (week leading up to my period) but failed. Although, the main focus is dry fasting all fasting types are welcome. This month I only want to do a 9 day dry fast. From there, build your way up. 9 lbs, I told myself “I’m doing back to fasting” I started cold turkey with a 10 day dry fast I wrote everything down in my notes on my phone. If done right, dry fasting (both hard and soft) is the most powerful fasting for health technique available on the planet. August Dunning recommends a 7-day dry fast once or twice a year. A 10 day dry fast can be a tall mountain to climb. I think the toughest part was probably bordem and thinking about food. 13. I did dry and water fast, on and off thereafter. The scorch protocol currently is where the most up-to-date information is being distilled from over 200 pages of notes and data from other dry fasters. Your body can produce (from fat and inner fluids like lymph) and absorb from the air, a certain quantity of water per hour. Some who fainted the first day itself. Another tough part was breaking my fast. 10 days or more. 5 day dry fast (old not really fit) and only got really thirsty in the fourth day (at which point I stopped). I did go through some periods of hunger, very dry mouth, at night, especially. And also some whose Kidneys started to hurt at day 3. Some of the popular fasting schedules include: Daily May 31, 2019 ยท My most recent experience dry fasting (no food OR water) for 100 hours. At the end of this fast I was weighing 147lbs. He no longer felt stuck in the same old lifestyle. There is a study on 5 day dry fast improving blood flow and therefore helping ischemic . Certain things are achieved on both dry and water fasts. Cole Robinson's seven-day hard dry fast. 6lbs loss 11. Refeeds and rehydration is gonna bring my weight really close to what it was before. But for holidays my refeed will be 2 days to account for christmas and new years Have you dry fasted before? If not, start with water fasting (1 day is a good start) or a short dry fast (12-18 hours). Or 5 2-day fasts. Then do a 6 day refeed. I will be continuing my yoga, pranayama, and cold showers (so my dry fast will also be soft). I did a 10 day water fast and didn't notice any decrease in my strength or endurance afterwards. Edema also goes away very rapidly(no fluid consumption no edema). Have someone dry fast for 2 days in the desert he'll die. If you burn a mere 2000kcals a day by the end of 10 days of water fasting you would buen roughly 20000kcals because some metabolic slowdown should happen afaik, a pound of fat is roughly 3500 kcals so you would potentially lose about a little more than 6lbs in 10 days which is awesome. My plan is: diluted coconut water (50:50 mixed with plain water) 2 liter over 4 hours, then watermelon 300g (or watermelon juice 0,5L) over 1-1,5 hours. I feel I can easily do extended dry fasts. 5 lbs (0. You’ll lose weight fast regardless. I lost about 8-9lbs. How much extra fat have for a 5 day dry fast? Anyone have experience on how much weight they lost after dry fasting for five days? Live off of your fat. Like I said, it’s just easier for me than straight water fasting. I follow a pretty strict 20/4 IF daily, which is also a dry fast 50% of the time. I'm on day five of my hard dry fast, and the hunger pains have subsided. Here are some notes: Day (1) - experienced an intense neck ache/headache Day (2) - went great, went on a 1. I'm just about to start another 3-day fast in preparation for a longer fast towards the end of October. I’m attempting a minimum 5 days dry fast, but will go for 7 or 10 days if i feel strong enough mentally and physically. that is if you may not be experienced in the dry fasting. He speaks about how he lived in fear and anxiety for many years. The weight lost is fast in dry fasting but you also gain back what ever weight is necessary fast. Crystal clear thinking now but not enough energy to sit down and work. You can post all your fasts as much as you like, no limits. Do the occasional 72 hour water fast, but wanted to try a dry fast after researching the benefits- mainly starting autophagy sooner. Basically any fasting you can get done on a consistent basis, if you don't make it all the way to 10 days. copied and pasted from my notes ๐Ÿ“ in my phone 10 DRY We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I've done a 5 day water fast and two 10+ day juice fasts, as well as a bunch of smaller fasts. 5 years, one 92h fast, one 72h fast, two 48hh fasts, and most recently a 7. I try to not eat carbs so i stay in keto/ autophagy mode. 5 day mark! I am about to complete a 4 day dry fast, but will have 6 more days to go. "Water fast - Day 6" etc. You can flood the sub with as many of "Dry fast - Day 2" "Dry fast - Day 3". 5 mile run, felt energized and determined Day (3) - the worst day thus far. I had a small amount of fruit about an hour ago and I’m thinking of doing another 7 day dry fast instead of a water fast. I've seen many videos on YouTube and they all provide different answers (Break it with water and baking soda, break with coconut water, eat soup first then solid food, too many different answers). In April I dry fasted 7 days and then drank water for 11 days thereafter, so I fasted a total of 18 days in April. And yes, I burn fat. I've done up to a 3. Starting weight - 150lbs Goal end weight - 140lbs I will update as I progress in the comments! any advice is appreciated - especially on how to speed up weight loss ๐Ÿซ  Dawn-to-dusk dry fasting leads to health benefits in the study of immune cells. So once you re-feed and re-drink, you will gain most of it back. ๐Ÿ’ก. 1/4 teaspoon in water every day. Im posting… Live off of your fat. The drinking manner is important: you need to add three capsules of LINEX to the first glass of water, drink this glass of water over the course of fifteen minutes. Q&A with Cole focusing on the topic of dry fasting For me I’ll be doing 72h dry fast, followed by 1-2 days of OMAD, then back to 48-72h fast depending on the week. Withdrawal from a 4-5 day fast •Withdrawal order: drink water first. He did a 30 day water fast followed by a 10 day juice fast. Two things. I started my water fast yesterday and 24 hours later I will start my dry fast. I'm guessing that I probably will end up achieving a 10 day dry fast before I run out of body fat with this incremental approach. So far my fasting experience has been ADF for 1. Part two of a Ray Maor documentary where he did an eight-day soft dry fast under 24/7 surveillance. For example when I made a permanent 40 lb weight loss, I ate one high-protein/low-carb meal every third day to be in ketosis for about half of the days over 3 months. Have me dry fast at home for several days, without stress, ideal température, knowledge and training in fasting : it won't be too hard. In a nutshell I can say it was a lovely, pleasurable und life changing experience for Hello I'm doing a 10 day dry fast and I've done dry fasts before but finished them in the wrong manner and I want to do it right this time. I know people who did it for 20-21 days. and that’s vital: do not hurry, drink sip by sip. According to the dry fasting club article (Dry Fasting Stages | How much weight can you lose), people typically lose around 1-1. People cure it within 2 months protocol. Without going into too much detail, refeeding is very important in between fractional fasts. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Tried again on my period week and failed again. After his 40 day fast many doorways opened up for him and improved his life. I know 7 days dry is so close but that seems to be my threshold. Day 7 of dry fasting is one of the most healing days, characterized by powerful cleansing, energy renewal, and unusual dreams. started with water fasting and the last 3 years explored dry fasting. I agree with the other commentor, do 5 day dry fast a week until goal weight ๐Ÿ‘ And remember, just keep starting over if you break it. 6lbs to 189. soft dry fast means water contact via washing hands/showering is ok, but no drinking water hard dry fasts no water contact whatsoever I feel disgusted by the idea of not being able to shower, I planned a 10 day dry fast, today is day 1, after i pee'd I just couldn't leave the toilet without washing up, it's just i feel so OCD like. I’ve dry fasted many times since beginning this journey Water and dry fasts are just different. Re-post of my 10 Day Dry Fast: I stopped dry fasting on this day. Yes in my first 7 day dry fast I went from 215. I found more mental health recoveries and deeper insights at the 7th day compared to fasting every week 16-60 hours. When low weight and in need of fasting, you are in a tough spot. During my 10-day fast this time around I’d like to get the input of other extended fasters out here about breaking my fast - safely - so I don’t binge the third day (wednesday): 24 hour (soft) dry fast the fourth day (thursday): rehydrated with water and baking soda, then acv with lemon juice and cinnamon before i broke the fast at the end of the day. The 11 day dry fast followed upon a succession of shorter dry fasts over previous years, e. I plan on taking a one-day break after the 10 days dry fast is over. I found that even hard dryfasting became something just natural and less intense. This week I did two, 36-hour dry fasts with a day in between to rehydrate and get electrolytes in. This gentleman talks about how a 40 day fast changed his life. I'm a 5'2 woman who's 134 pounds trying to fast dry fast for about 4 days. You’ll stop long before you reach your limits. I will then start another 10-day dry fast. i did plenty of soft dry fasts in the 60 hour and this year I reached 7 day soft dry fast. It doesnt hurt either that I have 20kg of fat to lose (out of 25kg), and I lose 1. Research found that proteins associated with atherosclerosis, heart disease and cancer promotion were decreased, while proteins associated with cancer and inflammation suppression were increased. Final Update: ended my dry fast after a week at 284. Yes, I've dry fasted for 10 days and longer than 10 days. However, for most people, the pain starts even on day 1, especially if you start it the night before. Hey guys!! I am undertaking a 7 day soft dry fast Why? Vanity and also hopefully to heal some niggling injuries. And if you want to really speed it up, just 3-day dry fasts have remarkable changes. After repeating the 1 day fast - 2 days eating twice more I am down 3 I do intermittent dry fast 5 days a week. I am more leaner. I have done 2 and 3 day dry fasts - for whatever reason they just have less negative side effects than I got while water fasting (headaches, hunger, dizziness etc). Weight loss is mostly water weight as your body uses up its stored water without any source to replenish it. Also what you eat while not fasting makes a world of difference as well! Different people will give you different recommendations on the maximum duration for a dry fast. They don’t necessarily do the same thing at a different pace. In other words, will 16 HRs of dry fasting truly be 3x effective as 16 HRs of water fasting. Live off of your fat. He also does fractional fasting with a 5-day, 3 weeks refeed, into a 7-9 day. I am hoping to get to 3 days of dry fast this time. Thanks for the replies. Starting weight: 215 LBS Current weight: 196. Just on how I feel I think of a day of dry fasting is like 2 days of water fasting but there is nothing scientific about that just how I feel having done a lot of both. However, in doing back to back hard dryfasts of 7 days and then 10 days with a 2 day break. What do you think is the best way to feed during those 6 days? I was thinking oatmeal, potatos, fruit, squash, things like that. It is in this day that the body attempted to reach some sort of homeostasis while also switching from glucose burning to fat burning. Schennikov recommends an 11-day dry fast. Very. A part dry, part wet fast will always be more effective than a 100% dry fast. 27-3. Is 1 day dry fast any good/better than let's say 3 day water fast or if it's not,after how many days is dry fasting really effective? Weight loss: Fasting is NOT the best long-term fat loss intervention, diet is; the longer you dry fast, the more you transform the fast from a weight loss ratchet into a weight gain rubberband, i. Most weeks my plan is 3 days fast, 1 day refeed, 3day fast. This process helps cleanse the soul and body of negative energy while strengthening willpower and promoting positive thinking. With this, during a 5-day dry fast, you might lose approximately 5-7. I'm still relatively new to dry fasting and have done two 7-day dry fasts so far (actually today is Day 7 of my second one :D) plus a few shorter ones (2 days), but already I'm thoroughly convinced it is soooo much better than water fasting for mental health. The only viable method at that point is to properly transition to a natural human diet simultaneously with doing short-term fasts (often just doing daily dry fasts and immediately rehydrating with fruit juices and fruits, as well as providing ample amounts of easily digestible energy in the form of simple sugars, which is key in This means that multiple 5-day fasts can work just as well as one 9+ day dry fast if done correctly and within a shorter time span. I lose about 1-2 lbs/day when dry fasting. with complete convalescent rest and attentive Live off of your fat. 68 kg) per day of dry fasting. (Drank lots of water and a daily protein shake plus a daily multivitamin and daily walk, obviously. 8 LBS My experience is 2 x7 day dry fast, 2 x4 day dry fast and many 24-48hr dry fasts. That means you got the benefits of nearly three weeks of fasting! I’m currently on a 4 day dry fast and I’ve completed two days and I swear I’m about to break!! As in anything with health risks, you want to be prepared and know what you're doing before jumping in and doing it. 4kg in a 14 day dry fast. the dry fasting days are so easy, all i can think about is how thirsty i am, food is not on my mind. 9 today! It makes me overweight, and not obese. The final frontier of fasting. Oct 30, 2019 ยท Food intake is restricted for set number of days, such as a 3-day fast once a month. I’ve heard it said that a day of dry fasting is equivalent to three days wet fasting. And then a 7-10 day dry fast. 4 kg). At this point they could have done 15 day dry fast already and would exactly know how much they lost. So 10 days dry is at least 2 weeks water. I suffered a neck ache through the Every single day that you go longer on a dry fast, the refeed's importance doubles. The first three days are horrible as others will tell you. Definitely some highs but a lot of fatigue and weakness. So there's no limit. I just feel less inflammation overall. I want to attempt starving out the feet and acne issues before refeeding. I am doing this while going to sauna daily because I’m doing a so called death fast like cole talks about…Being in a water deficit to force my body to make metabolic water from fat storage. 43 votes, 44 comments. Or else, they would know and could do the simple math themselves to figure out how much they could possibly lose in a 10-15 day dry fast. The best thing is no strenuous exercise so the body can adapt efficiently to the will try to report in after 10 days, any tips? i drank some 1 litre of soya milk after 2hours i ate, fruits veggies, did i wouldn't recommend doing any sort of hard dry fasting it's to horrid unhygienic bed ridden horrible, although the soft dry fasts i've done before where i break them in 3-4 days were by far much easier, i've had the strength to drive do my exams etc no problems what so ever Live off of your fat. You can flood the sub with as many of "Dry fast - Day 2" "Dry fast As I am finishing my dry fast on Sunday, I start to think about how to break the fast properly. 5 lbs (2. Weight loss is expected to continue to be around 1. May 2, 2023 ยท Dry fasting can be done with any intermittent fasting method by not drinking or taking in any fluids during the fasting period. 10 one-day fasts would also be a huge accomplishment. Regardless, when you do your dry fast don’t be so quick to want to lose weight so fast. I then took two days off to rehydrate / reefed and am currently back on another 36-hour dry fast. I told myself I would pursue a 10-day dry fast this time around and I actually surpassed the 2. Overall it was an okay experience. If one day of dry fasting somewhat equates to three days of water fasting, would I not be better off still doing 16-20 hrs of dry fasting. Day 6 of 7 Results Day 7 of a 7-day Dry Fast. The 7 days was harder than the 10 days. You can make a new post for every day you complete if you want. Some of that was due to caffeine withdrawal I'm sure. 5 kg per day (3. Don't set yourself up for failure and make this an all-or-nothing thing. But don't fear - you don't regain all of it. 11 votes, 11 comments. 5. First the summary: I´m sitting here, just a few hours shy from breaking my first 7 day dry fast. I'm currently 58 hours into a hard dry fast and I'm only losing about a pound and a half per day. A club to the most dedicated fasters. Something along the lines of 2 days dry followed by 5 days wet, and no more than 2 days dry. Sometimes i will do longer fasts where: i have no dinner day before, 1 glass water before bed and then fast 3 days minimum dry from morning. In April of 2021 I was 271. Dr Filonov approximates it at 1 day dry = 1. And for those things ratio is 1 day dry = 1 - 3 water. I just completed 4th day of my dry fast; i wasn't sure I could surpass 3 days, but i feel I can complete 7 days if I want. I plan on drinking water (duh), orange juice and eating fruits. There's no way to be responsible in long dry fasts unless and until you know your body and mind, i. I get numbness and lack of sensation due to autoimmune and after dry fast it heals. How do you ensure a smooth transition back to regular eating habits without causing digestive distress? You ensure a smooth transition from a dry fast back to regular eating by following a protocol by someone with a lot of experience dry fasting and helping others. How much weight should I expect to lose? Also, how should I refeed to not gain the weight back? I've dry fasted several times, but never surpassed anything over 60 hours (2. Because I have damaged tissue, I dry fast, I notice it heals. Is 1 day dry fasts any effective?Have done lots of water fasts but want to benefit from the improved autophagy/metabolic water/destroying fat cells. I’m now about 160lbs average after 2 days of eating. i’ve been fasting for 10 years. I would not dive into doing a dry fast of greater than 5 days without having had numerous dry fasting experiences of 5 days or less done correctly, i. And research how to dry fast safely, and how to come off. Just fyi, I have decent fasting experience. starting my fast on the evening of February 20th - and hoping to end the evening of Monday the 26th. 5 days water. Day 2 of the dry fast was probably the hardest day for me. 10 days dry fasting is NOTHING like 3 days dry fasting. Also, look into borox supplementation for arthritis. In this video, I talk about the dos & don'ts and how you can safely dry fast if i I’m getting ready to embark on a journey of 9! 9 Days dry. 5 days). I had headaches that are associated with a big drop in blood sugar levels and dehydration. Found this from one of the dry fasting club blogs. maximum I will attempt will be 12 days before I switch to water fast. For example, I lost 5 pounds in a 1 day dry fast. e. You may notice that if you often intermittent fast or even better, do one meal a day, the first day of a dry fast is super easy. I am so stoked!! I plan to use combinations of dry and water fast to hit a normal BMI within April. Will be back in a week OP you can do a 10 day dry fast. This article explore what dry fasting is, how it works, my experience, how to break a dry fast, and more literature on the topic. And that's the bare minimum if you are a not very obese male. Veteran fasting practitioners and professionals don't recommend people to water fast or dry fast for long durations until they've become well experienced in their own fasting practice, by breaking their fasts correctly and by deeply revealing their bodies' baseline health While true, many cycle on and off a fast for a longer duration. 2-day (48 hours) dry fast weight loss results. 4*14=19. More from Ray about the Do's and Dont's of dry fasting. This sub is to post about your current fasts. I'm quite lean already, and after a dry fast I look like one of the Tour de France guys! I'm going to do a 3 day dry fast just to kind of clean up my insides a bit and get the nicotine/sugar withdrawals out. 6 lbs in 7 days so (-25. multiple 5 day dry fasts over various periods. My fasts have been water, but I do drink black coffee or black / green tea on ocassion when I fast. I felt like I had the flu on day three. After eating and drinking for two whole days, I was still down 1 pound. ) I would do it again and plan to do another 10 day or even longer fast at some point. Ideally, the water should be thawed, dew or spring. I BROKE MY FAST ON DAY 15 (1/11/21), SO IT'S A 14 DAY DRY FAST IN MY BOOK. I'm hooked. There's a 100% benefit from doing 23h dry fasts. nqadvpex aamk aclex auqi jataz ulllk wxlnyt cirt zmnaem nfhiglr